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Volume 05 Issue 01 January 2022

The Importance of Employee Competence and Technology in Mining Increases The Performance of Village-Owned Enterprises(Bum Desa)
1Putu Somiartha,2Ni Nyoman Yuliarmi
1,2Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, Bali - Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i1-14

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The presence of Law No. 6 of 2014 on Villages provides a legitimate umbrella for the establishment of BUM Desa as a village financial manager that oversees the potential of villages to work on government assistance to residents together. The development of BUM Desa, to encourage the social welfare of the community through established business units, has not been in line with expectations. Permendesa Number 4 of 2015 on the establishment, management, and dissolution of village-owned enterprises is a guideline for regions and villages in the formation and management of BUM Desa. The existence of laws and regulations is not enough for every village to establish BUMDesa. There are hundreds or even thousands of villages that even to this day have not established BUM Desa. The cause of the condition that occurs is due to the obstacles that occur in the village. It is necessary to know the obstacles experienced by most villages in Bum Desa so that they cannot run according to the goals or expectations expected by the government.

Addressing the problems that occur above the importance of the government's role to regulate strategies in improving the performance of existing village BUM Desa In terms of the performance of BUM Desa which has been there lately, has actually experienced a fairly good improvement. However, in order to improve the performance of BUM Desa there are things that need to be considered, namely employee competence. Facing the era of globalization, competition between companies will be higher, and one of the keys to success in winning the competition is the need for quality human resources. For that reason, BUM Desa is expected to be more selective in choosing employees or SDM who have competencies that refer to good performance. The second factor that has an important effect on the performance and welfare of BUM Desa employees is information and communication technology. The technology in the existing village of BUM Desa can be said to be inadequate. Technology is a driving factor of the production function. It can be said so because if modern technology is used, the resulting production will be more efficient and with a relatively shorter time frame.

The research method used is literature review. The results obtained in improving the performance of BUM Desa competency factor plays an important role in improving the performance of BUM Desa. In the management of BUM Desa to be better, employees must have knowledge, job skills, high responsibility for a job, and good motivation. If this can be applied, it is believed that the existing village bum can develop well as well.

Faktro technology has a very important role in the performance of organizations, especially BUM Desa. Without technology in the BUM Desa organization, all organizational activities in the form of information, marketing, and planning will be slow, which has an impact on the performance of BUM Desa. The maximum utilization of technology makes it easier for BUM Desa managers to work well in promoting a product, finding information, and accessing the development of BUM Desa.


Competence, Technology, and Performance of BUM Desa


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