1Dilmukhammad D. Atambaev, 2Boburshox M. Adashev, 3Muhammadibrohim A. Mirzomidinov, 4Shahzodbek E. Rahimjonov
1Assistant Professor Namangan Institute of Engineering Technology Namangan, Uzbekistan
2,3,4Master Student Namangan Institute of Engineering Technology Namangan, Uzbekistan
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i1-10Google Scholar Download Pdf
This paper examines the differences between the main purpose of the process of falling from individual fibers in a given linear density, density and elasticity and the methods of determining the hairiness of the yarn, the hairiness of the yarn is determined by the number of knots per unit length.
Keywordsfiber, linear density, spinning, yarn, wrapping process, wicker, yarn fluff, electrostatic charge.
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Volume 05 Issue 01 January 2022
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