Nurlinawati Simanjuntak
Sisingamangaraja XII University Tapanuli
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This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of organization and leadership on lecturer performance. Based on the results of the discussion and testing, it can be concluded several things related to this research as follows: Simultaneously the variables of the school committee, organization, and leadership, simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on the performance of Lecturers of the Faculty of Economics, Sisingamangaraja XII University Tapanuli, marked by Fcount = 29.324 and Ftable = 2.87 in this case Fcount is greater than Ftable and the significant value is 0.00 less than the alpha value of 0.05. Partially, the school committee variable has no significant effect on the performance of the Lecturer of the Faculty of Economics at Sisingamangaraja XII Tapanuli University which is indicated by the tcount value for the school committee variable ( 1.180) is smaller than ttable(3.18) or sig value (0.246) is greater than alpha (0.025). Partially, organizational variables have a positive and significant effect on the performance of Lecturers of the Faculty of Economics, Sisingamangaraja University XII Tapanuli which is indicated by the tcount value for the organizational variable (6.096) which is greater than ttable (3.18) or the sig value (0.000) is smaller than alpha (0.025). ). Partially, the leadership variable has a positive and significant effect on the performance of the Lecturer of the Faculty of Economics, Sisingamangaraja XII Tapanuli University, which is indicated by the t-count value for the leadership variable (4.081) which is greater than ttable (3.18) or the sig (0.000) value is smaller than alpha (0.025). The R2 value obtained is 0.710 or 71.0% which shows the ability of the school committee, organization, and leadership variables in explaining the variations that occur in Lecturer Performance is 71.0%, while the remaining 29.0% is explained by other variables that not included in the model, for example curriculum, lecturer certification, school facilities and others
KeywordsSchool Committee, Organization, Leadership, Performance
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