1Pitsinee Dachapipatkhon, 2Pitiporn Cholumyai, 3Supajira Maturossuntorn, 4Nantapak Onclai,5Nattamon Onclai
1,2,3,4,5Suankularb Wittayalai Rangsit School, Pathum Thani, Thailand 12120
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i9-19Google Scholar Download Pdf
The Coronavirus has been introduced to Thailand for almost 2 years. Students were forced to take online classes in order to gain social distance. As it is well known, adolescents had the highest levels of satisfaction with friends and with self. Due to this occurrence, many students are at risk of mental challenges, likely due to unexpected life changes. The research aims to analyze subjective well-being (SWB) and to compare the data to other studies. The Flourishing Scale of 8 uniform questionnaires by Diener et. al. (2009) is used as a measurement to conduct the research as a major research tool in 507 Thai adolescent participants aged 12-19 years old. The level of psychological well-being and respondent's selfperceived success in important areas such as relationships, self-esteem, purpose, and optimism were quantified and performed. The Flourishing Scale scores in relevant research, enable the researchers to signify the contrast in the level of subjective well-being in Thai- adolescents according to the COVID-19 existence. As a result, the mean of the subjective wellbeing of the Flourishing Scale in Thai adolescence was 37.22 which is one of the lowest scores so far compared to the previous research investigated before the pandemic of the Coronavirus. It can be found that young adolescents are showing a decline in psychological resources and strength compared to the previous years which should be carefully inspected by adults and mental health-related professionals.
Keywords:Subjective Well-being (SWB), Psychological, Thai adolescents, Flourishing Scale, COVID-19
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