1,2Department of Chemistry K.E.S.A.C.S College Kalwan (Manur) Pin-423501 Tal- Kalwan Dist-Nashik (Maharashtra), India.
2,3Department of Zoology K.E.S.A.C.S College Kalwan (Manur) Pin-423501 Tal- Kalwan Dist-Nashik (Maharashtra), India.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i9-12Google Scholar Download Pdf
The ground water analysis has been done during the on season and off season of the sugar industry. The samples collected from 30 sampling stations were analyzed in the laboratory. The analysis reveals that the pH, TDS, DO, COD, BOD of water increasing due discharge effluent in the catchments of the sugar industry area. Most of the parameters indicated that these industrial effluents disturb the ground water quality and responsible for deteriorating soil conditions. From the analysis it is reported that there is a requirement of the careful supervision, constant monitoring and periodical analysis of the chemical parameters to safeguard the ground water resources and to minimize environmental pollution nearby the agro-based industries like sugar factory.
KeywordsGround water, Water quality, Environmental pollution.
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