• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840


Identifying Gender-Based Violence in Women from Aahh Laura Caller in the District of Los Olivos, Lima – 2021
1Yals Molina Ozejo,2 Angie Carolina Puican Coronado,3 María del Pilar Rojas Zapata,4 Flor Karina Silva Saavedra,5 Dafnne Nahomy Vega Solís,6 Sánchez Uriarte Cristhian Jhair
1,2,3,4,5,6Universidad Cesar Vallejo
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i9-01

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The research entitled "Identifying gender violence in women of the AAHH Laura Caller in the district of Los Olivos, Lima - 2021". It aims to identify gender violence in women of the AAHH Laura Caller in the district of Los Olivos, Lima - 2021. The methodology had a quantitative approach, since the data collected will be measured through statistical analysis. Likewise, the research design is non-experimental, descriptive. The sample consisted of 50 women to whom a questionnaire was applied. The results showed the existence of physical violence, since it has been possible to identify slapping, pushing or throwing an object for having done something wrong as violence. As for psychological violence, it was possible to identify that the partners of most of the women had threatened to harm them and their children. In relation to sexual violence, it has been identified that the women's partners forced them to have sexual relations in exchange for money or goods. The conclusion is that there is a lack of knowledge of what physical, psychological and sexual violence is, and that they may be in danger of suffering mistreatment in their future relationships.


gender violence, physical, sexual violence.


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