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Ferroelectric Aspect and Phase Transitions of Solid Solution of Cadmium Acetate with Aluminium (III) Oxide
1Shri Prakash Dubey, 2Anil Kumar Mishra
1,2Department of Physics, M. G. P. G. College, Gorakhpur, UP, India-273001
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i8-09

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The behavior of variation of dielectric constant with temperature of solid solution of Cadmium Acetate Cd(C2H3O2)2 with Aluminium (III) Oxide Al2O3 and other dielectric parameters have been measured between the temperatures 35°C to 100°C using the capacitance bridge model ZENITH-FM89A and Q meter at the frequency of 2000 Hz. In the measurement, it have been observed that the compound has lower value of dielectric constant (ε = 1580) below 36ºC, which rises upto a value of 5600 at the moderate temperature of 45ºC. After this temperature, the dielectric constant of compound decreases upto the value of nearly 3521 at the temperature of 75ºC and a high peak at the temperature of 76°C (ε = 7000) in the heating cycle curve with some fluctuations.. When the variation of dielectric constant was studied in cooling cycle the peak was observed at 62ºC(ε = 6500), above and below this temperature dielectric constant decreases with some intermediate fluctuations and by increasing aluminium oxide content in the mother compound, its quality factor also increases with a little effect on dielectric constant. The cooling cycle curve does not follow heating curve because of the relaxor behaviour of the compound. The results have been explained on the basis of crystal structure changes and the possibility of free internal rotation of acetate groups within the crystal lattice at elevated temperature. One of the advantages of Cd(C2H3O2)2 with Al2O3 is that by varying the Aluminium Oxide content, one can control temperature coefficient of resonant frequency τf without affecting the other properties. This is important for many ferroelectric applications because τf of near about low value is not always required. A non-zero τf is often preferable to compensate for frequency variation due to the effect of temperature change on the resonator housing and dielectric support structure. Solid solution of Cadmium Acetate with Aluminium Oxide suggests for its valuable applications as dielectric material with excellent properties useful in ceramics engineering and communication system.


Polarization, Quality Factor, Dielectric Constant, Phase Transition, Curie temperature, Resonant Frequency and Ceramics Engineering.


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