1Aminah, 2Elvina Sari
1,2Universitas Prima Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i8-04Google Scholar Download Pdf
Hepatitis B is a disease transmitted vertically from mother to baby, immunization with HB-0 immediately after birth is one of prevention of transmission. Indonesia the third larges after China and India. Survey results in the Village of Bonda Kasemany there were to Indonesia many barriers and obstacles encountered in the implementation of Hepatitis B-0 immunization infants ≤ 7 days.
The purpose of this study was to the precision factor of giving Hepatitis B-0 immunization in the Village of Bonda Kase Natal District. This type of research is explanatory research. The population is all mother who have babies 0-1 years and resides in the Village of Bonda KaseNatal District .In 2018 as many as 271 people. The samples were all mothers have babies 0-1 years, have recorded the statements KMS midwife and resides in the Village of Bonda KaseNatal District as many as 103 people. Data were collected through questionnaires. Analyzed through the stages of univariate, bivariate use test chi-square, and multivariate logistic regression using multiple statistical tests at 95% significance level.
The results of the bivariate analysis suggests that predisposing factors (work and knowledge), supporting factors (birth attendant and birth place) and the drivers (support of husband/ family) regarding the accuracy awarding the work of HB-0 (p=0.001;RP=6, 20; 95% CI=3.75-10.26), knowledge(p=0.013; RP=0.85; 95% CI=0.75-0.97), birth attendant(p=0.001;RP=3,63; 95% CI=2.06-6.40), where deliveries (p=0.001;RP=2.61; 95% CI=1.56-4.36), and the support of husband/family(p=0.001;RP=0.38; 95% CI=0.31-0.47). It is suggested that a working mother and gave birth athomeas soon as possible in order to provide immunizations HB-0 to a baby with a baby to the nearest health facility when the baby is0-7 day sold.
KEY WORDS:Precision in Giving, HB-0 Immunization
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