• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840


Production of a Model Water Fountain Using Ceramics for Interior Decoration in Anambra State
1Okonkwo, Ivan Emeka Phd,2 Emelogu, Chinenye, 3Anonye Obianuju Maria
1Department of Fine and Applied Arts, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
2Department of Fine and Applied Arts, Federal University, Ndufu Alike Ikwo
3Department of Fine and Applied Arts, Federal Polytechnic Oko
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i8-13

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Water fountains have been produced by sculptors, architects and engineers over the years in Nigeria, however the production of water fountains in ceramics is not popular and could be rarely seen in public spaces, longues and interiors of public buildings especially in Anambra State. In view of this; this project entitled “Production of a Water Fountain using Ceramics for Interior Decoration in Anambra State” was designed to enlighten the society that ceramic materials could be used for the production of water fountain instead of other media like cement and metal. Also, that water fountain when situated in the interior of the house will help in relaxation thereby reducing some tensions and stress after all day work. Data used were sourced from both primary and secondary sources. An explorative method of research was employed in the project. The processes involved in the execution of the work were showcased in detail. The study observes that majority of water fountains seen around were made using cement instead of ceramics, which is more durable, hygienic, attractive and nature friendly, hence the need for this project. This work encourages more research in this area of study.


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