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Social Media Adoption for Customer Relations and Organizational Effectiveness of Deposit Money Banks in Bayelsa State, Nigeria
Tubonimi, Ann Okuboere
Department of Business Administration school Of Management And Commerce Bayelsa State Polytechnic, Alabirip.M.B, 68, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i8-01

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This study examined the relationship between social media adoption for customer relations and organizational effectiveness of deposit money banks in Bayelsa State. The objectives of this study was to examine the relationship between social media adoption for customer relations and the measures of organizational effectiveness (goal attainment and competitiveness), these guided the formulation of the research hypotheses as well as the development of the research questionnaire. One hundred and thirty six copies of the research questionnaire were distributed to respondents who are bank management cadre employees cutting across the five deposit money banks constitute the sample size for this study which were determined using the Taro Yamane’s sample size determination formula. However, only one hundred and ten (110) copies of the questionnaire were valid for the analysis, these valid questionnaire were analyzed using the Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation Coefficient and the summary of our results revealed that strong positive relationship exist between social media adoption for customer relations and the measures of organizational effectiveness. The study thus concluded that social media communication ensures a better performance for the deposit money banks in Bayelsa State and consequently, organizational effectiveness. Based on the findings the following recommendations were proffered: Management of the deposit money banks in Bayelsa State and indeed other States should build a strong media space that will create an opportunity for the banks to reach out to their various customers in an effective interrelations that will allow the banks identify and define the challenges of customers and work fast to resolve such challenges; deposit money banks should create an active social media platform the will allow a two way flow of information between the banks and their customer to enable entertain customers complains and make quick and swift response to attend to the general needs of their customers.


Social Media Adoption; Customer Relations, Organizational Effectiveness; Goal Attainment; Competitiveness.


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