1Innocent Reuben, 2 Yusuf Patrick Diwa
1,2Office of the State Suveryor General. Adamawa State
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i7-05Google Scholar Download Pdf
Road traffic accident has become a prevalent and re-occurring phenomenon in Nigeria which constitutes a menace in modern times. Although all the developed and developing countries have suffer from various degrees of road accidents the developing countries clearly dominates with Nigeria having the second highest road accident among the 193 ranked countries of the world. This research aimed at identifying and assessing road accident hot spots between 2012 and 2016 along Yola/Gombe road. Data was collected from the accident hot spots using GIS/GPS techniques. The data was used to map out these accident hot spots. It also assessed the nature, mode of occurrence and types of injuries associated with the accidents within the study area. It further assesses the types and condition of the vehicle with the highest involvement in the accident within the study area.. GIS and Remote sensing method were used to analyse and georeference the map by throwing the coordinates of the accident hotspots that were picked and Data was also collected from Federal Road Safety Commission. These were analysed statistically. Result was used in this research. The study shows that between 2012 and 2016 about 2846 accidents were witnessed, 1,027 people died, 9017 people sustained various degrees of injuries and 3,384 vehicles were involved in the accidents. The causes of accident were observed. The preventive measures were suggested. The study recommended the need to seriously view road traffic regulations seeing them as human induced problem that demand an urgent attention. Such action is aimed at preventing untimely deaths, social, and economic losses and impacts on average Nigerians.
KEY WORDS:Accident, Road, GIS, Remote Sensing
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