1Okonkwo, Ivan Emeka Ph.D, 2 Ohaegbu Amarachukwu Grace
1,2Department of Fine and Applied Arts, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. Anambra State, Nigeria
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i7-22Google Scholar Download Pdf
The acquisition of electric and gas stoves has been a difficult problem for most people in the rural places, hence most of them have resorted to wood for cooking. This has contributed to depletion of our forest and its attendant environmental consequences. This situation has made the researchers to attempts at looking for a way to reduce the amount of wood/charcoal used by designing a charcoal used by designs a chemical stove. This Ceramic Charcoal Stove was designed and built with locally obtained raw materials; locally composed low-density bricks and fired with a down-draught kiln at 800 degrees Celsius. The study also revealed that, once the charcoal in this stove is ignited, it could boil water at 6-7mins. This is a solution for conservation of charcoal used while cooking because some people are scared of using gas to cook because of its hazardous disadvantages while many others do not have money for refilling the gas cylinder and people who live in the rural area where there is no electric power supply, for electric stove. This solution has been found to have a high efficient heat maintenance property for cooking food and keeping the body warm is a welcomed development. This study is hoped to aid the in furtherance of academic research in this field and other related areas.
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