1Mr. Langat Nelson Kipkorir, 2 Dr. Ismael O. Oduor,3 Dr. Kefa Chepkwony
1Masters student. Department of Management Science & Entrepreneurship School of Business and Economics Moi University. Kenya
2Lecturer, Department of Management Science & Entrepreneurship, School of Business and Economics,Moi University, Kenya
3Senior Lecturer, Department of Management Science & Entrepreneurship, School of Business and Economics,Moi University, Kenya
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i7-21Google Scholar Download Pdf
In Kenya, most community-based water projects face sustainability challenges, thus prompting a need to examine the extent to which participation by beneficiaries’ influence sustainability of community water projects. If this is successfully addressed, then sustainable development of community water projects is likely to be achieved. The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of participation on the sustainability of community water projects in Narok County, Kenya. The study was anchored on Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) model. Quantitative research approach was used while the study adopted descriptive research design and explanatory research design. A sample of 384 subjects was through simple random sampling from a sampling frame of 15,500 elements using Cochran’s sample size determination formula in a population spread across the ten community water projects in Narok County, Kenya. Quantitative data was gathered by use of a questionnaire. Data was analyzed descriptively and inferentially. Inferential data was analyzed using mean scores and standard deviation. Data was also analyzed inferentially using correlation, regression and finally hypothesis testing was undertaken. Analysis showed r = -0.019, F (1,383) = 70.349, R2 = -0.019 at p = 0.01 < 0.05, H01 was rejected and it was concluded that there is a significant relationship between decision making and sustainability of community water projects. With r = 0.458, F (1,383) = 113.30, R2 = 0.10 at p = 0.01 < 0.05, H02 was rejected and it was concluded that there is a significant relationship between labour contributions and sustainability of community water projects. It was therefore recommended that community members who are such project beneficiaries be involved in decision making and where possible contribute towards project implementation right from inception to termination in order to create a sense of ownership and hence sustainability of community water projects upon completion.
KEY WORDS:Community participation, Decision making, Labor contribution, Sustainability of community water projects.
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