1Majal B. Monge, 2Rexomar D. Perez
1Teacher II, Department of Education
2Victorias National High School, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i7-20Google Scholar Download Pdf
Emergency cases and any untoward incidents may happen anytime and anywhere. Thus, first aid is an invaluable skill one must learn. Since children spend considerable time at school, knowledge, and awareness in first aid is important especially in situations requiring the skill. This quantitative inquiry investigated the level of awareness of students in performing basic first aid and explores the relationship to their academic performance. It utilized a researcher-made questionnaire to answer the descriptive and inferential questions. It was revealed that students are in high level in performing first aid in burns, wounds and bleeding, and fracture considering the variables. Thus, a very satisfactory level was culled out. In addition, a significant difference exists in their level of awareness and academic performance of students when grouped according to sex, and section. But, there was a positive significant relationship between the student’s awareness in performing first aid and their academic performance. Therefore, the two major areas have direct relationship. It is recommended that a regular emergency awareness campaign be conducted to students to maintain and improve to a highest level. As such, teachers should be provided with the trends in emergency response to effectively teach the concepts of first aid in high competence.
KEY WORDS:Health, first aid, awareness, academic performance, students, quantitative, Philippines
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