1Totok Haryanto, 2Alfalisyado
1,2Economic and Business Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i7-19Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research aimed to identify and analyze the the phenomenon of the perspective of student towards the university branding, especially in private university in Indonesia. There are 376 students in Indonesia tested as the participant of this study. Path analysis and Sobel tests were used to test the proposed hypothesis and the intervening variable which mediate the influence of independent variable towards the dependent variable. The results of the research show that partially utilitarian value has a significant effect towards brand relationship quality, hedonic value has a significant effect towards brand relationship quality, and relational value has a significant effect towards brand relationship quality. Then in other side, the utilitarian value has a significant effect towards brand resonance, relational value has a significant effect towards brand resonance, brand relationship quality has a significant effect towards brand resonance. On contrary, brand relationship quality had no significant influence as intervening variable in mediating utilitarian value, hedonic value, and relational value towards brand resonance.
KEY WORDS:University Branding; Brand Relationship Quality; Utilitarian Value; Hedonic Value; Relational Value; Brand Resonance
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