1Godwin Kwanga, 2Joseph Enefu, 3James Ikyernum,4 Patricia, I. Ali,5 Onyeche Anita Makyur
1,2,3,4Department of Geography, Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria
5Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Federal University, Wukari-Taraba State
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i7-18Google Scholar Download Pdf
The study accessed the vulnerability of gender based physical spousal domestic violence in Benue State, Nigeria. The study adopted the secondary data from the Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) (2018), conducted by National Population Commission and analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. Information's sorted were categorized, summarized and presented in exploratory formats, frequency tables and charts. The results revealed that (77.4%) of the respondents had experienced physical violence of different forms. The study also revealed the perceived spouse's reasons for physical violence which include suspected infidelity (18.4%) womanizing by husband (18.4%) disobedience (15.3%) husband taking alcohol (9.3%), poverty (9.1%) and inability to give birth (suspected infertility) 23 (9.1%). The finding further revealed that many women were ever slapped by their husbands (16.4%) while some were threw something at (8.4%), some were kicked and dragged by their husbands, some were beaten (16.1%) while others (19.7%) were pushed and shook. However, only a few (2.9%) were threatened or attacked with a weapon. The study also found that (61.3%) of the married women who experienced spousal physical violence in the area equally sustained different forms of injuries which include: cuts/ bruises (40.9%), eye injuries (23.1%), dislocations/fracture (12.4%), deep wounds (14.5%) and broken teeth (4.3%). The study finally established that women who experienced spousal physical violence seek and have help from their own family (71%), their husband’s family (21%) and religious leader (8%). The study recommended gender based violence awareness campaigns and legal protection of women in the state to protect the right of women and reduce the vulnerability of physical violence against women in the area.
KEY WORDS:Vulnerability, Gender based, Physical spousal domestic violence, married women.
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