1Godwin Kwanga, 2Joseph Enefu, 3James Ikyernum,4 Patricia, I. Ali,5 Onyeche Anita Makyur
1,2,3,4Department of Geography, Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria
5Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Federal University, Wukari-Taraba State
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i7-17Google Scholar Download Pdf
Conflicts between crop farmers and pastoralists have become a common feature of economic livelihood in West Africa. The study assessed the demographic implications of crop farmers-pastoralists conflict in Benue North-West, Nigeria. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey design and a sample of 120 respondents was purposively selected from the three LGAs mostly affected by the pastoralists’ attacks. Data were collected using structured questionnaires, key informant interview and field observations and analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency, percentages and mean). The study in its course found that availability of evergreen arable land (3,27), competition over available evergreen arable lands (3.0), damage to crops (3.12) and the proliferation and availability of cheap small arms and light weapons (2.52) are the major causes of conflict in the area. The study also revealed that the conflict has both short and long term demographic implication on the affected communities. The study recommended sustainable measures towards addressing conflict in the affected communities.
KEY WORDS:Demographic implication, Pastoralists, Crop Farmers, Conflict
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