1M.B.B.U. Mandawala,2N.P.K. Ekanayake
1Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jayawardhanapura
2Department of Commerce and Financial Management, University of Kelaniya
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i7-14Google Scholar Download Pdf
This case study is mainly focused on observing the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of a top-notch apparel company in Sri Lanka. With this case study authors are expecting to study the willingness and capability of a business to engage in CSR projects and to observe the behaviour of such CSR projects in a selected company. At present, CSR is indeed one of the most debated and discussed topic. Therefore, the purpose of this project is to find out whether the CSR projects undertaken by a company would help to safeguard consumer’s preferences and reduced the poverty of the consumer. This study has discouraged authors to recognize that CSR has a positive impact on consumers’ behaviour. In many cases, these projects have enabled the company to recruit new employees to the business, thus reduced employee recruitment cost. The selected group’s principal CSR efforts are driven by the central corporate theme of water and are planned and executed by the “Bindu” Foundation established by the Group for the purpose. These efforts represent a long-term commitment to increasing the availability of water and the provision of safe drinking water to those most in need. Mainly, their CSR projects are based on categories such as; Education, Health, Community Live-hood Development, Environment, Arts and Culture. The company embrace following CSR projects under these categories. Ran Daru Thilina, Model Village, Blood Drive, P.A.C.E program, Care for Their Own project, and Rasadiya Mangallaya. Through these projects, this apparel leader aims to alleviate the poverty of the society, uplift the lifestyles of the employees and consumers, minimize the harm caused by the business, protect the environment and enhance their business reputation.
KEY WORDS:Top-notch Apparel Company, Corporate Social Responsibility, Stakeholders, Sustainability Development
REFERENCES1) The company Sustainability Reports (2017) Sustainability Annual report. Available at: https://the company.com/images/the company-lanka-sustainability-report-2015-2017.pdf.
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