• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840


Handling of Quality Corruption Case by the Prosecutor as Part of Prevention Measure
1Budi Triono,2Taufiqurrohman Syahuri, SH, MH
1Master of law study program“veteran” national development university Jakarta faculty of law
2Supervisor, master of law study program“veteran” national development university Jakarta faculty of law
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i7-12

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Enforcement of quality corruption cases by the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Indonesia as one of the law enforcers who has the main task and function in law enforcement, one of which is related to eradicating corruption. Seeing the importance of the position of the prosecutor's office in law enforcement specifically to combat corruption, it is important to conduct an assessment of the legal politics of eradicating corruption at the prosecutor's office in particular. The conclusion of this paper is to first discuss how the pattern of handling corruption with quality by the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia through Institutional Politics policies that they embody in the regulations of instructions and letters of the attorney general relates to improving the performance of handling corruption cases and efforts to eradicate corruption Second, The Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Indonesia as a government institution indirectly in making legal policies has the nuances of policies taken by the government and is based on related legal rules. As for some of the prosecutor's policies in eradicating corruption that are in line with the government's intent, namely the formation of a TP4 Team, establishing a corruption-free zone, enforcing corruption that is not selective, educating the dangers of corruption for state activities and emphasizing on handling cases with legal economic aspects the basis for consideration is the principle of benefit and the principle of proportionality in order to support development programs and smoothness in the life of the nation and state.


Legal Politics, Corruption, Prosecutors


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3) The Instruction of the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia Number: INS-002/A/JA/02/2019 dated February 21, 2019 concerning the Pattern for Handling Qualified Special Criminal Cases.

4) Presidential Instruction of the Republic of Indonesia Number 9 of 2011, Instruction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of 2011

5) Sejampidsus 2018 B-845 technical guidelines for handling high quality special criminal cases

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Journals / Papers:
1) Try to compare it with the Circular Letter of the Junior Attorney General for Special Crimes (SE-JAMPIDSUS) Number: 1113/F/Fd.1/05/2010 dated 18 May 2010 concerning Priorities and Achievements in handling corruption cases. There are several similarities, namely both prioritizing large-scale cases (Big Fish) and prioritizing the return of state finances which in SE-JAMPIDSUS Number: 1113 uses the term restorative justice approach. In fact, the focus on recovering state financial losses is one of the goals of eradicating corruption which aims to restore, in this case, restore state finances that were previously in the hands of those who were not supposed to be. In SE-JAMPIDSUS B-Number: 260 does not include cases that are carried out on a continuous scale (still going on) such as extortion as in SE-JAMPIDSUS Number: 1113. In fact, extortion is one of the issues that became the focus of President Jokowi during his reign. The parameters of corruption cases categorized as Big Fish are based on the Circular Letter of the Junior Attorney General for Special Crimes (SE-JAMPIDSUS) Number 845/F/Fjp/05/2018 dated May 4, 2018 Regarding the Technical Guidelines for the Handling of Quality Special Crime Cases

2) Perpetrators of criminal acts are state administrators as referred to in Law Number 28 of 1999 concerning Government Organizers that are Clean and Free of KKN; Involve actors and one and/or more ministries/institutions together with actors in legislative and/or judicial institutions and/or other high state institutions, both centrally and regionally with private actors;

3) Violation of one or more laws and regulations in different regulatory fields;

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