1Alejandro A. Jalil, 2Roger A. Luyun, Jr., 3Aurelio A. Delos Reyes, Jr., 4Victorino A. Bato
1Basilan State College, College of Agriculture and Fisheries, Santa Clara Campus, Lamitan City, Basilan, Philippines
2,3Land and water Res. Div., Inst. of Ag. Eng’g, College of Engineering and Agro-industrial Technology, University of the Philippines,
Los Banos, Philippines
4Department of Soil Science, College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i5-05
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The study aims to determine the hydrologic properties of an aquifer of Malamawi Island in terms of transmissivity, storage coefficient, and specific discharge using the Theis method. The study was conducted in March of 2015. The 4 inches 2- boreholes are drilled in two different locations (Diki and Santa Barbara villages) to identify the lithologic properties. A pumping test was performed for forty-five (45) minutes and, drawdowns are observed from the observation well. The shallow aquifer is confined with a transmissivity of 1.70 m2/d, storage coefficient of 0.001012, and specific discharge of 6.53 m2/d.
KEYWORDSMalamawi, Shallow Groundwater, Basilan, Theis, Isabela City
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