Dina Yasavievna Shigabutdinova
Lecturer, Independent researcher, Department of Natural Sciences Bukhara State University Uzbekistan
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i5-03Google Scholar Download Pdf
The culture is the dominant concept in English philosophy making it one of the most spreaded carriers of culture in the world. The representatives of British (mainly English) still continue to lead the global tendencies of literature, culture, arts and science. The Victorian Britain was the initiator of the first trends of the concept which is now named as the globalization. This epoch is characterized by the rapid changes in Iron, Ornament and Architecture in Victorian Britain. Despite its underrepresentated in the population of the world the people from England hold second number after the representatives of US in the number of Nobel prize holders.
KEYWORDSBritish humour, culturology, distance, etiquette, Nobel prize, philosophy, pluralism, privacy, renaissance
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