Oybek Sadikjanovich Kasimov
Associate Professor Department of "Design" National Institute of Art and Design named after Kamoliddin Bekhzod
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i5-25Google Scholar Download Pdf
This article examines the modern urban planning situation and the most important role of water in the artistic solution of architecture. When we talk about a park, we must know "where we are from and where we are going." Human and nature must create divine harmony. One of these divine landscape elements is water. She is not only the source of life, but also the pinnacle of aesthetic pleasure.
KEY WORDS:Merv, Banokat, Chorbog, hexagonal, сanal, dynasty, reflection, paradise.
1) The Art of gardens in East K.D. Rahimov, A.S.Uralov.
2) Sadykova, A. S. Uralov, Monograph: Central Asian Traditional Garden Style and Modern Garden-Park Art.
3) Ch. Edited by H. Agustin Nunez Alhambra under the microscope 2011.
4) Gardening art Baburids by S.N. Sadykov.
5) Pugachenkova G.A. The architecture of Central Asia in the 15th century. - Tashkent: Publishing house of literature and
art. G. Gulyama, 1976 S.N.
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