1Doniyorov B.N., 2Doniyorov N.N.
1Bukhara State University, Teacher of the Department of Ecology and Geography.
2Bukhara State University, Teacher of the Department of Mathematics.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i5-22Google Scholar Download Pdf
The article discusses the historical glory of the beekeeping industry, the use of bee products in the treatment of various diseases, the role of honey in the quantitative and qualitative changes in the human body, the need for honey as a biogenic substance, basic and additional valuable products from beekeeping some information such as bee breeds, the division of labor in stratified individuals in the family, the types of packages in which bees are fed, the criteria for the development of families, the time of swarming, the establishment of a new family.
KEYWORDS:Honey, bee baby, organism, growth, development, sensory organs, wax, pollen, nectar, propolis, bee's milk, biogenic substance, toxic secretions, placeholder, package, beekeeping, areal.
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