• editor@ijmra.in
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Sustainable Teacher Education in the 21st Century Nigerian Society
1Dr. Olupona Adeola Moromoke, 2Olalere Kunle Olufemi
1,2Department of General Studies The Polytechnic, Ibadan
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i5-17

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For quality education in any country, teacher education should be given utmost priority. In Nigeria, teacher education is still battling with the problem of sustainability owing to the questionable process of training and professionalising teaching. This paper critically examines the process of teacher education. It queries the ideas of a qualitative teacher education. The paper utilises unstructured interview among selected personnel of Nigeria Teachers’ Institute (NTI), Teachers Registration Council (TRC) for its findings. From these findings, it is inferred that government and its agencies have cogent roles to play in promoting sustainable teacher education in Nigeria. The paper therefore concludes that sustainable teacher education for the 21st century can only be guaranteed if teaching is seen and treated as profession like others in its ilk.


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