Aubrey S. Abante, Raymund P. Cruz, Danjo F. Guevarra, Maria Isabel B. Lanada, Mark Julius S. Macale, Myron Willie III B. Roque , Frederick R. Salonga, Lilibeth C. Santos, Wendell C. Cabrera
Department of Education and La Consolacion University Philippines
DOI : Scholar Download Pdf
Online Learning and Modular Learning Modalities are being utilized by the Department of Education to continue the learning process during COVID -19 pandemic. The study has employed Mixed method to determine the problems and challenges of both public and private school teachers in utilizing online and modular learning modality. Interviews revealed that each sector has a problem in internet connectivity. Specifically, public school teachers are being challenged by the scarce resources of the students and unresponsive parents. Private school teachers are being challenged by the lack of training on the different online platforms for online teaching and learning process and assessment of learning this new normal. U- Test revealed that the challenges experienced by public and private school teachers in delivering distance learning are essentially the same. Moreover, it can be said that the type of school where a teacher works has no bearing with the challenges that he or she may encounter.
KEYWORDSOnline Learning, Modular Learning, Public School Teachers, Private School Teachers, Challenges, Problems.
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