1Gʻolib Nortoshevich Aliqulov,2 Fazilat Ibrokhim qizi Muzropova,3 Ravshan Abdurazakovich Eshonkulov, PhD
1Candidate agricultural sciences, Associate professor, Head of Department “Geodesy, cadastry and land management”, Karshi Engineering-Economic Institute, Uzbekistan
2Assistant, Lecturer, Department of “Geodesy, cadastry and land management”,Karshi Engineering-Economic Institute, Uzbekistan
3Head of Department “Ecology and labour protection”, Karshi Engineering-Economic Institute, Uzbekistan
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i4-11Google Scholar Download Pdf
Ecotourism and its development depends not only on the socio-economic conditions of the study area, but also on the natural conditions of the area, the presence of ecotourism sites and their geographical location. Because the characteristics of natural conditions allow us to determine the ecotourism potential of the region and what species can be developed.
KEYWORDSEcotourism, Kashkadarya region, Shakhrisabz district, sustainable development, Miraki, Gissar Mountains, Tamerlane cave, landscape.
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