1Ergashboy Abdurakhmanov, 2Farrukh Fakhriddinovich Kholmurzaev
1Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Department of Analytical Chemistry Samarkand State University, Samarkand city
2 Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Doctoral student, Samarkand State University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i3-05Google Scholar Download Pdf
Recently, in chemical sensors of gases operating at low temperatures, polymeric materials with semiconducting properties are used as a gas sensitive element. One of these materials is polyacrylonitrile (PAN). The use of PAN based film as a gas sensitive material has great potential for creating sensors that operate at room temperature without heating. Development of a technology for the production of metal-containing films based on polyacrylonitrile to create unheated sensors for detecting hydrogen sulfide and studying their properties [1]. A semiconductor sensor for detecting hydrogen sulfide, made using fuels and lubricants based on polyacrylonitrile (PAN), received the symbol "P.SS-H2S". It was investigated that the analytical signal of a hydrogen sulfide sensor (σgas/σweather) based on tungsten and copper oxides depends on the amount of the detected component (SH2S ) in the mixture. The developed sensors: S.S-H2S WO3-5% CuO, S.S-H2S WO3-10% CuO and P. S.S-H2S can be used for analytical control of hydrogen sulfide content in objects of various nature.
KEYWORDSpolyacrylonitrile, semiconductor sensor, catalyst, selectivity, sensitivity elements, copper oxide, tungsten oxide, hydrogen sulfide.
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