1Khasanov U.S., 2Khayitov O.R., 3Djuraev J.A.
1,Head of the Department of Otolaryngology and Dentistry, Tashkent Medical Academy, Doctor of Medical Sciences
2,Otolaryngologist at the clinic “QOQON DUNYO JAVOHIRI”
3,Senior lecturer, PhD of the Otolaryngology and Dentistry, Tashkent Medical Academy,
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i3-02Google Scholar Download Pdf
This article presents the characteristics of changes in the hearing and cerebral hemadynamics of patients with deviation of the nasal septum. The deviation of the nasal septum occurs in the cartilaginous and bone regions, both separately and in both at the same time. Deformations can be of a different nature (bend, crest, spike) and localization. They are one and two-sided. Spines and ridges are more often localized at the junction of the quadrangular cartilage and the perpendicular plate, ploughshare, and the crest of the upper jaw (“growth zone”). Less often, the upper sections of the perpendicular plate and the rear section of the ploughshare are deformed. For traumatic deformities, characteristic bends with sharp angles. Often, after injury, the anterior edge of the quadrilateral cartilage is displaced in the form of its subluxation. The deformation of the cartilaginous part of the external nose in the patients under our supervision was due to the deviation of the nasal septum. There were no patients with deformity of the nose, who would have been indicated for surgical intervention on the cartilage of the external nose, in our group.
KEYWORDScerebral hemadynamics, deviation of the nasal septum, quadrangular cartilage, septoplasty.
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