1Adi Padli Hamzah, 2Hernawan, 3Yusmawati, 4Iwan Sugihartono,
5Achmad Ainul Yaqin, 6Ramdan Pelana
1,2,3,6Physical Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
4,5 Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i2-05Google Scholar Download Pdf
In this study, the authors analyzed the posture of indoor hockey players for ball passing techniques based on posture which consists of initial attitude, implementation attitude, and final attitude. These three gestures have been demonstrated by a male indoor hockey player from the Sports Science Faculty, Jakarta State University. Data was collected in September at Hall B, Room Hockey Field, Faculty of Sports Science, Jakarta State University. The data obtained in this study were obtained through filling out questionnaires, observations, and interviews. The aim of this research is to determine the ideal height of a indoor hockey player who has accurate passing techniques. The samples in this study were all male indoor hockey athletes at the State University of Jakarta who followed a quasi-experimental research method with a time series design on indoor hockey passing techniques. As a result, we will get data on height and body position when doing the passing technique and the accuracy of the technique. Then from this study the respondents stated that the experience of playing, comfort, and body posture of the respondents supported the ability of the passing technique, which respectively indicated by the percentages of strongly agreeing and agreeing that were 63% and 30%, 52% and 48%, 56% and 37%. Furthermore, in terms of height, the largest percentage was 45% disagreed, 11% strongly disagreed and 33% doubted. Whereas in the case of 52% disagree, 4% strongly disagree and 33% are doubtful and in terms of the distance between hand grips it affects the accuracy of the passing technique with a percentage of 59% agree and 4% strongly agree. We're going to give some recommendations for coaches and hockey players to have multiple height classifications with postures that give better accuracy for passing the ball.
KEYWORDSIndoor Hockey, Posture, Height, Passing, Accuracy
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