1Hoshimjon Ahmedov, 2Gulnora Shermatova
1Associate professors, Named after Alisher Navoi Tashkent State Uzbek Language and Literature
1Student, Tashkent State University named after Alisher Navoi University of Uzbek Language and Literature
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i2-10Google Scholar Download Pdf
This article discusses the artistic aspects of using a detail in a work of art as a metaphor. Independent observations have been made of the purpose of the art of the "stone" detail used in folklore and written literature. Mainly the comparative analysis of the story "Stone" by the writer Askad Mukhtor and the poem "Blooming Stone" by the poet Shavkat Rahmon is made. Appropriate conclusions are drawn.
KEYWORDSUzbek fiction, detail and metaphor, Askad Mukhtor, Shavkat Rahmon, comparative analysis
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