1S.M Arnold, 2R.M.S.D Fernando, 3H.M.K. Wickramanayake, 4R.P.P Karunapema, 5M.S.K Wickramatilake, 6W.Y.J Fernando, 7C.J Denawake, 8P.K.B Mahesh, 9N.G.S Panditharathna
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i12-36Google Scholar Download Pdf
Medical Officers are one of the key staff categories in the healthcare service. Globally there is high demand for medical officers and the government as well as private organizations have major task in retaining the services of highly trained and competent medical staff. Preventive health sector plays a vital role in the healthcare system. Medical Officers of Health (MOH) are the Medical Officers providing preventive health services in Sri Lanka. This study was carried out to explore the factors affecting retention of Medical Officers of Health in the preventive health sector in Sri Lanka.
A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among Medical Officers of Health in the Colombo district which has 18 MOH Offices with 64 Medical Officers. A pre-tested self-administered questionnaire was used as the study instrument. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, correlation and regression analysis.
Of the 74 Medical Officers 64 responded with a response rate of response rate of 86.5%. Regression analysis showed that all four variables; recognition, work schedule, remuneration and responsibility are positively and significantly correlated with retention of Medical Officers of Health in the preventive health sector. The variable ‘work schedule’ showed the highest impact to the retention of Medical Officers of Health.
In order to retain trained Medical Officers of Health in the Sri Lankan preventive health sector, health authorities should address the factors that influence retention. If policy makers fail to address these factors the preventive health services will be negative impact due to shortage of key service providers.
Retention, Recognition, Work Schedule, Remuneration, Responsibility
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VOLUME 04 ISSUE 12 December 2021
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