1Banu Demirhan, 2Cengiz Yılmaz
1Department of Economics and Administrative Programs Afyon Kocatepe University, Eskişehir Yolu, Afyon, Turkey
2Department of Business, Afyon Kocatepe University Gazlıgöl Yolu, ANS Kampusü, 03200 Afyon
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i12-34Google Scholar Download Pdf
Rational judgments and decisions should be based on solid logic and rationale as well as numeric variables. On the other hand, irrational judgments and decisions rely on feelings, linguistic variables. Appointed executives who manage acting businesses must demonstrate solid logic, numeric and linguistic justifications for their decisions to the stakeholders: business owners, government, share-stakeholders. The study examines the justification and logic of the four main factors why humanity fights against discrimination during the promotion: legally, humanitarian reasons, religious grounds, and administrative reasons. The study strongly suggests that discrimination during the promotion is against the law, religion, humanity, and efficient management. For these reasons, honest, fair people and organizations have to fight against discrimination; in the name of law, in the name of religion, in the name of humanity, and in the name of managerial efficiency. Discriminators, who are unfairly making the lives of innocent employees, their children, and partners hell, have to be punished by the law, religion, humanity, and management for realizing humanistic and holistic justice.
KEY WORDS:Discrimination at Workplace during Promotion stage, worthiness, jurisdictional, humanitarian, Religious, and Managerial perspective
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