1Zahra Ait Yachou, 1Amina Benzaouiya, 2Chaymaa Kabir-Idrissi Bouchra El Khalfi,
3Mustafa Zakaria, 1Sabri yassir, 4Mohammed Zarqoui, 2Abdelaziz Soukri,1 Achraf Zakaria,1,2,3 Modou M. Mbaye, 5Noureddine Louanjli
1Laboratory of Medical Analyses, Reproductive Biology, Labomac, Casablanca, Morocco
2Laboratory of Physiopathology, Genetics Molecular and Biotechnology (PGMB), Faculty of Sciences Ain Chock, Research Center Health and Biotechnology, University Hassan II of Casablanca, Morocco
3Association for Scientific Research of the IRIFIV-AISRG Group, Consultant in IRIFIV Fertility Center, IVF laboratory, Casablanca,Morocco
4GYN OBT IRIFIV Center, and IRIFIV-AISRG Scientific Research Group
5Labomac Clinical Analysis Laboratory, IRIFIV Fertility Center, AFC Fertility Center, Casablanca, Morocco
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i12-31Google Scholar Download Pdf
It is already well established that the percentage of normal sperm and specific sperm abnormalities has diagnostic value in vivo. The spermocytogram is an important part of the analysis of human semen, this kind of analysis, simple at first sight, brings real difficulties because the results from one laboratory to another are very relatively reliable. When analyzing abnormal sperm morphology, the observer has to estimate the respective size of the different spermatozoa or their components, the length of all the spermatozoa (too small or too big) and to identify the shape (sperm with a coiled flagellum, or no flagellum as an example). The objective of our work is first of all to make a comparative study of the results of the morphological evaluation of 50 semen samples between the manual technique versus the automated one (SCA) in order to find a possible correlation between these two techniques. According to the analytical stage of the manual and automatic results, the two latter led us to obtain significantly different percentages.
KEY WORDS:spermatozoa, spermocytogram, SCA.
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VOLUME 04 ISSUE 12 December 2021
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