1Rihab Bourchim, 1Chaymaa Kabir-Idrissi, 1Amina Benzaouiya,
3Mustafa Zakaria,1 Sabri yassir,4Mohammed Zarqoui,1 Achraf Zakaria,
2Bouchra El Khalfi, 2Abdelaziz Soukri,1,2 Modou M. Mbaye,5Noureddine Louanjli
1Laboratory of Medical Analyses, Reproductive Biology, Labomac, Casablanca, Morocco
2Laboratory of Physiopathology, Genetics Molecular and Biotechnology (PGMB), Faculty of Sciences Ain Chock, Research Center Health and Biotechnology, University Hassan II of Casablanca, Morocco
3Association for Scientific Research of the IRIFIV-AISRG Group, Consultant in IRIFIV Fertility Center, IVF laboratory, Casablanca, Morocco
4GYN OBT IRIFIV Center, and IRIFIV-AISRG Scientific Research Group
5Labomac Clinical Analysis Laboratory, IRIFIV Fertility Center, AFC Fertility Center, Casablanca, Morocco
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i12-30Google Scholar Download Pdf
Male infertility refers to the inability of a man to have children, after one year of regular unprotected sexual relations without contraceptive measures. The field of fertilitý has become a public health problem for some time, in this regard that it is now well established that the spermocytogram is a medical examination corresponding to the cytological and morphological analysis of spermatozoa, allowing the evaluation of male fertility. In our study, we compare the analysis of sperm with two automatons, the Sperm Class Analyzer (SCA) and the Spermolyzer, on 50 samples of sperm from voluntary men, with the aim of establishing the percentage of normal and abnormal spermatozoa and some specific anomalies, that is to say, the length and the identification of the shape. The results obtained indicate the accuracy and reliability of these automatons, showing more defined analyses with the use of the SCA, in contrast to the insignificant data rendered by the use of the Spermolyzer.
KEY WORDS:SCA, Spermolyzer, male infertility, spermocytogram, spermatozoa
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VOLUME 04 ISSUE 12 December 2021
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