1Sestry Ayu Ruganda, 2Violita, 3Moralita Chatri, 4Fitri Arsih
1Master Degree Program of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Padang State University, Jl. Prof. Dr. West Padang Freshwater Hamka - 25131 Indonesia
2,3,4Lecturer of Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Padang State University, Jl. Prof. Dr. West Freshwater Hamka Padang–25131, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i12-18Google Scholar Download Pdf
The strategy and implementation of learning is strongly influenced by the development of science and technology. So the technology that is currently developing must be integrated into the learning process to improve the quality of learning. One of the technology integration is E-Modul. E-Modul is a form of presentation of self-study materials that are arranged systematically into the smallest learning units to achieve certain learning objectives which are presented in an electronic format for each learning activity. E-Modules developed using a contextual approach will This causes students to get more meaningful learning, because they can relate the material to real everyday life. E-Modules are presented systematically so that they contain relevant text, images and videos. Therefore, Appypie Software is used in the development of the Plant Physiology E-Module. The purpose of this research is to produce an E-Module of Plant Physiology based on CTL on the material of Photosynthesis and Nitrogen Metabolism using Appypie Software which is valid, practical and effective. This type of research is development research using the Plomp model. The development phase of this model begins with the Preliminary Research Phase , Development or Prototyping Phase, and the Assessment Phase. The instruments in this study were in the form of a validity assessment sheet, a practicality assessment sheet, a skill and attitude competency assessment sheet and multiple choice questions to assess knowledge competence. The data analysis technique is validity, practicality using modified Likert scale scoring and effectiveness data using t-test using SPSS version 17. The results showed that the CTL-based Plant Physiology E-Module on the materials of Photosynthesis and Nitrogen Metabolism was very valid with a value of 92.21%. The practicality assessment by the lecturers scored 95% with very practical criteria and the student assessment with a score of 82.17% with very practical criteria. The results of the effectiveness test showed that the class that used the CTL-based Plant Physiology E-Module had a higher score than the class that did not use the CTL-based Plant Physiology E-Module, so the use of the E-Module equipped with pictures, animations and videos could help students understand material. It can be concluded that the CTL-based Plant Physiology E-Module that has been developed is in the very valid, very practical, and very effective category in improving student learning outcomes.
KeywordsContextual Teaching and Learning (CTL), E-Module Development, Appypie Software
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VOLUME 04 ISSUE 12 December 2021
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