1Cleginaldo Pereira de Carvalho, 2Douglas Alves da Silva
1,2Department of Industrial Engineering, University of the State of São Paulo, Faculty of Engineering of Guaratinguetá, Avenida Dr. Ariberto Pereira da Cunha 333, Pedregulho, Guaratinguetá, São Paulo, Brazil, Zip Code:12.516-410, São Paulo, Brazil
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i12-14Google Scholar Download Pdf
Nowadays, when competitiveness has become a frequent factor among companies, they must be prepared and structured, in order to acquire competitive advantages in the market. The present work aims to analyze the restaurant market in the commercial center of the city of Lorena, state of São Paulo - SP, providing information on the profile of consumers, companies that compete in the market and influencing aspects in decision making in choosing the preferred establishment, thus providing the necessary subsidies for the elaboration of a possible business plan. The investigation was conducted through a bibliographic review and a market research applied to regulars in the commercial center of the municipality. The results obtained demonstrate the existence of a heterogeneous market, composed of consumers of the most varied ages, occupations and preferences for companies already established in the local commerce. The study also presented as the most relevant factors in the process of choosing the preferred restaurant the quality of the products, the service and the variety. Thus, the feasibility of proceeding to a detailed business plan, incorporating financial and marketing aspects, is concluded.
KeywordsRestaurants. Strategy. Business plan. Market analysis.
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