1Podchara Soemphornwiwat, 2Veetawit Chalermpornpong, 3Akeera Asawarachan
1Assumption College English Program, Samut Sakhon, Thailand
2Assumption college, Bangkok, Thailand
3Suankularb Wittayalai School, Bangkok, Thailand
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i12-13Google Scholar Download Pdf
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused several changes in the human state of mind, in particular adapting to the culture of the new normal while lockdown measures are implemented. This study explored the effect of the lockdown measure on the level of anxiety of high school students, comparing those identified as introverts and extroverts. Participants (N = 103) filled out the given survey, which determined that they were both introverts or extroverts and the level of anxiety that they had before, during, and after the lockdown caused by the pandemic. According to statistical analysis, the result showed that the level of anxiety perceived by those feeling the sense of extroversion was statistically higher than those with introversion, at the significance level of 95%. In addition, the analysis revealed that there was no correlation between extroverts and anxiety before, during, and after the lockdown measures. On the other hand, there were statistical correlations between the level of introversion and the level of anxiety in every stage of lockdown: before, during and after, indicating that the lockdowns due to the global pandemic did not affect extroverted people anxiety as much as it affected introverts. Moreover, it also showed that the level of anxiety of the introverts has become even more intensified even after the lockdown.
KeywordsAnxiety; Introversion; Extroversion; Covid-19; lockdown measure
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VOLUME 04 ISSUE 12 December 2021
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