PhD Student at the Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Oujda, Morocco, 60020
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The present paper investigates the ideological manipulation that creeps in translated news headlines and falsifies the produced translated version since such process involves both the imposition of dominant ideologies and the negative portrayals of the other in mediated news. Thus, international news translation basically exploits and manipulates the original news events in such a way that misrepresents the image of otherness and creates a positive representation of patrons. In this vein, this paper brings to the fore the influence of extra-textual factors on the translation of headlines. Many strategies and translation techniques are utilized and translators do intervene to align produced headlines with the two networks’ ideological affiliations and editorial policies. The present paper adopts descriptive approach where I attempted to compare translated news headlines and pinpoint the alterations and transformations undertaken over them, also it aims to call for rethinking strategies undertaken while translating global news in a cosmopolitan context where openness to the other and appreciation of difference are conducive to an effective cross cultural and linguistic interactions. Accordingly, it proposes foreignizing approach to global news translation because it retains the image of otherness which is essential in the original event.
Keywordsinternational news translation, representation, otherness, foreignizing approach.
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VOLUME 04 ISSUE 12 December 2021
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