F.E. Gulmurodov
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Samarkand State Institute of Architecture and Construction
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i11-43Google Scholar Download Pdf
The article provides detailed information on the process of developing effective plans for the development of the tourism industry and choosing the optimal one based on them, forecasting the future development of the industry. It also considers the processes of using special computational and arithmetic methods that allow predicting the events and happenings in the tourism industry, to determine the regression function as a result of the interaction and interaction of indicators representing the type of activity. As a result of targeted research, using correlation-regression models, a forecast of the development trend of the tourism industry based on socio-economic factors affecting the tourism process was developed.
KeywordsPrediction, model, correlation-regression models, Fisher criterion, correlation coefficient, Determination coefficient, multicollinearity.
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