1Quroti A’yun, 2Bonevansius Virmas, 3Aryani Widayati
1,2,3Department of Dental Health, Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i11-42Google Scholar Download Pdf
Dental and oral health problems in the people of East Nusa Tenggara Province are in the high category. The people of Coal Village have a habit of drinking sopi, a traditional alcoholic beverage. Frequently drinking alcoholic beverages for long duration has a negative risk to the oral health. Sopi is one of the traditional alcoholic beverages, fermented from Enau (palm) tree plants. The purpose of this research is relationship between the habits of drinking sopi and the status of dental caries. Method: This is a research of Analytical Survey. This research was conducted in November to December 2019. The population on this research was the society of sopi drinkers. The total sampling was 76 people. The data collecting of the sopi drinking habits was carried out by completing the checklists; the data of the dental caries status was obtained by direct examinations. The data analysis used the test of Kendall’s Tau c. Results: The duration of drinking sopi was classified in the old category (93,4%); the frequency of drinking sopi was classified in the frequent category (63,2%); the volume of the drunk sopi was classified in the lots category (61,8%); the habits of drinking sopi was classified in the heavy category (93.4%); and the dental caries status was classified in the high criterion (52,6%). Based on the correlation test results, that there was no relationship between the time duration, frequency, volume, and the habits of drinking sopi with the status of dental caries (P < 0,05). Conclusion: There was no relationship between the habits of drinking sopi and the status of dental caries.
KeywordsSopi drinking habits, dental caries status
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