1T. S. Nurmatova,2N. S. Mamasoliyev, 3Kh. Kh. Tursunov,4Z. M. Utanov
1MD, Cardiologist at the Cardiology Department of the Namangan Branch of the Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Care
2Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Internal Medicine, Cardiology and Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Physicians, Andijan State Medical Institute, Andijan, Uzbekistan
3Doctor of Medical Sciences, Docent, Department of Internal Medicine, Cardiology and Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Physicians, Andijan State Medical Institute, Andijan, Uzbekistan
4MD, Assistant of the Department of Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine and Physical Culture, Faculty of Dentistry, Andijan State Medical Institute, Andijan, Uzbekistan
ORCID: 0000-0002-9415-9308
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i11-36Google Scholar Download Pdf
The study analyzed data from a representative sample of adolescents and young men, 1465 people involved in a one-stage epidemiological survey. The prevalence of arterial hypotension (AH) was 18.6% (among adolescents - 10.8% and among youth - 45.2%; P<0.001). The revealed results should be considered when developing and implementing preventive programs for adolescent and young populations living in the regions of Uzbekistan.
Keywordsepidemiology, prevalence, arterial hypotension (AH), adolescents, young men
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