1D.Sh. Khojimetov,2 M.F. Nishanov, 3A.Kh. Babadjanov,4R.A. Sadikov,5Kh.Sh. Yokubov,6Kh.M. Kodirov
1Researcher, Department of surgery, Andijan State Medical Institute
2Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, Andijan State Medical Institute
3Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, sThe Republican specialized scientific and practical medical center of surgery named after Academician V.Vakhidov
4Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor,The Republican specialized scientific and practical medical center of surgery named after Academician V.Vakhidov
5,6Master Student, Department of surgery Andijan State Medical Institute
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i11-35Google Scholar Download Pdf
The authors analyze various degrees of physiological anastomositis in 131 patients, and conclude that for the treatment of late anastomositis after surgical interventions on the stomach and duodenum, it is recommended to include the laser action of the anastomosis zone with two types of low-energy lasers in the complex program. The authors argue that the combined use of low-energy laser exposure through endoscopic and percutaneous irradiation will improve the effectiveness of the treatment of late anastomositis.
KeywordsLaser therapy, endoscopy, excision, probe, resection, anastomositis, ulcer, stomach, duodenum.
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