1Lutfiddin Omanovich Olimov,2 Iqboljon Ibroximovich Anarboyev
1Professor , Andijan Machine Building institute №56 Bobur Shox Ave, Andijan, Uzbekistan, 170100
ORCID: 0000-0002-0135-5861
2PhD student, Andijan Machine-Building Institute №56 Bobur Shox Ave, Andijan, Uzbekistan, 170100
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i11-30Google Scholar Download Pdf
The article first describes the results obtained in the study of the electrophysical and charge transfer processes of two structural polycrystalline silicon obtained by bonding silicon particles with sunlight. The results of the study show that the charge transfer processes in such structures are found to be different from each other. In particular, at T~300-800 K, a decrease in the surface area of both structures µ was observed, and the temperature dependence of p and n differed from each other. For example, (a) in the surface area T~300-350 K and T~600-710 K p increases and n decreases, at T~350-550 K p decreases and n increases. Conversely, the surface area of the sample (b) is characterized by an increase in p and a decrease in n at T≤575 K, a decrease in p in the later stages of temperature increase, and an increase in n.
Keywordspolycrystalline silicon, intergranular boundary, temperature, charge transfer processes, recombination centers.
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