1Nadia Sagita,2Yuni Ahda,3Syamsurizal,4Irdawati
1Master Degree Programof Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Padang State University, Jl.Prof.Dr.West Padang Freshwater Hamka -25131 Indonesia
2,3,4Lecturer of Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Padang State University, Jl.Prof.Dr.West Freshwater Hamka Padang–25131, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i11-25Google Scholar Download Pdf
Critical thinking should be given to students as they age in the 21st century. The continued impact of perception shows that there are still many students who do not have the option to overcome their thinking, speaking, and logic skills. Observation results show that many students have not been able to utilize their intellectual ability to think critically. Furthermore, the evaluation questions that have been given by the teacher are not analyticalin nature, resulting in not triggering students to think critically. Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a model of learning that is suitable for stimulatingstudents' critical thinking. The purpose of this research that produces the E-module -based PBL valid, p practical and i effective. Type researchis development research. The Plomp model is the applied model. The results of the study resulted in the level of validity of the PBL -based E-module which was 89.10% (very valid). The results of the practicality level of teachers are 94.17% (very practical) and the level of practicality by students is 86.47% (very practical). The results of the PBL -based E-module effectiveness test show that the PBL -based E-module is very effective. Thus, the conclusion is that the PBL -based E-module that has been developed is very valid, very practical, and very effective.
KeywordsProblem based learning, e-module, critical thinking, development.
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