1Dr. A.T. Sathiyavinotha MD, 2Dr. A.Vijayamathy MD, 3Dr. S. Velarul MSc, 4Dr. S. Bhuvaneshwari MD, 5Dr. M.S. Umamageswari MD, 6Dr. S. Jeevithan MD
KMCH Institute of Health Sciences & Research, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Corresponding AuthorDr. A.T. Sathiyavinotha MD,
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i11-20Google Scholar Download Pdf
Introduction: In accordance with National Medical Commission (NMC) recommendation, one month foundation Course was conducted in our institution in August 2019.The present study was conducted to seek the opinion of the students regarding pertinence of the Attitude, ethics and communication (AETCOM) session in the course to enable revisions to be made in designing the course for the subsequent sessions, to make it more efficacious and student-oriented. Methods: First MBBS students joined in the year 2019-20 batch were involved in the study. The students were divided into three groups and three hours sessions have been taken separately for three consecutive days. The Teaching Schedule of AETCOM session was systematically designed with theory and case scenarios. At the end of the session all the students were provided a feedback questionnaire based on Likert scale and the responses were collected. Statistical analysis: The data collected was analysed using SPSS version 23 and simple mean and proportions were calculated. Results: 53.9% of the students perceived the AETCOM session discussed with case scenarios as good and 50% of the students were given feedback on overall session as good.
Conclusion: The AETCOM session in foundation course has largely been perceived in a positive way by the students with some difference in opinion concerning relevance of certain topics. However, it has to be confirmed with further studies.
KeywordsAETCOM, Foundation course, Feedback
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