Durdona Aktamovna Akhatova
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Department of General Pedagogy and Psychology Navoi State Pedagogical Institute
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i11-11Google Scholar Download Pdf
The article is devoted to the issue of teaching students to work with pedagogical situations when teaching pedagogical disciplines in higher education. The literature on this topic is commented on. The article argues the relevance of teaching students to work with pedagogical situations in modern conditions. The level of development of the topic is analyzed in detail, the priorities of the development of pedagogical science, its role and importance in higher education are discussed. The focus is on innovative educational technologies and pedagogical situations used in the teaching of pedagogical disciplines, as well as the situation, the essence of the pedagogical situation. Opinions are expressed on finding positive solutions to the problems of the pedagogical situation. There are examples of pedagogical ministries used in the form of cases and methods of finding solutions. Conclusions and recommendations were made on the topic. The list of used literature is given.
Keywordspedagogy, students, higher education, training, pedagogical technology, innovation, interactive methods, problem based learning, interactive learning, situation, pedagogical situation, situational problem, Keys, “Case-study”.
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