1N.M. Vakhabova,2 G.S. Rakhimbaeva,3 M.M. Asadullaev,4 SH.A. Jangirov
1,2,3,4Tashkent Medical Academy.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i10-09Google Scholar Download Pdf
To date, CVD, in particular acute cerebrovascular accidents, have a clear tendency to increase. The existing domestic and especially foreign literature testifies to the established important medical and social problems of acute cerebral stroke in the society of humanity around the world. Stroke can develop at any age, but its frequency and prevalence increase with age. About 80% of strokes occur in people over 65, with age having a major impact on stroke outcomes.
KeywordsStroke, elderly patients, thrombosis.
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