1Lucas Palma Nunes,2 Natassja Boszczowski,3 Ana Carolina Lopacinski Gomes,4 Isabela Castilho Pellis
, 5Joana Trosdolf Aidar,6 Priscilla Dal Prá Campos,7 Elaine Rossi Ribeiro
1,2,3,4,5Medical students at Pequeno Príncipe Faculties, Brazil
6Students of the Master’s Degree Program in Health Sciences Teaching, Brazil
7Faculty researcher at Pequeno Príncipe Faculties, Brazil
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i10-07Google Scholar Download Pdf
Patient Safety (PS) is defined as a set of measures taken to reduce as much as possible the risks of unnecessary
damage to patient care. Therefore, the importance of introducing issues related to this theme in the process of training new
professionals has been widely studied.
To deepen the literature on the insertion of the subject of PS in the curriculum and how it is being taught in medicine
courses in Brazil and around the world.
The study is a systematic literature review and was conducted following the PRISMA recommendations. A search was
carried out in the main scientific databases associated with health (CochraneLibrary, Medline via PubMed, Regional Portal of the
Virtual Health Library (VHL) and Scielo), using the descriptors “Patient Safety”; “Curriculum” and “Medical Schools”. The inclusion
criteria were primary articles from the last five years, in Portuguese, English and Spanish, presented in full text and that answered
the guiding question. Those article that didn’t contain primary data were excluded. After selection, articles were double-assessed
by independent reviewers for risk of bias and quality of evidence using the QUADAS-2 tool provided by Cochrane.
173 articles were identified, of which 150 were excluded as per the Prisma protocol, leaving 23 articles that were analyzed
in depth and synthesized descriptively. In general, the concern of medical schools in implementing a curriculum that attends to
patient safety was demonstrated.
There are several barriers that hinder the implementation of the PS theme in the medical curriculum, such as the lack
of standardization of curricula on the subject, reducing the effectiveness of teaching, to solve this issue, although several models
are being developed to facilitate and ensure a standard of quality. However, more assertive teaching-learning methodologies are
needed for better effectiveness of teaching Patient Safety in medical schools.
Patient Safety; Curriculum; Medical Schools.
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