Tolqin Akhmedov
Researcher,National Institute of Fine Arts and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod
DOI : Scholar Download Pdf
The article deals with curatorial projects, international biennials and the participation of local artists, their achievements and the impact of the renewal process on art in general, which entered the modern fine arts of Uzbekistan in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. In this process, our artists have adapted to the growing interest in world art trends, to the new postmodern trends of Western aesthetics, to the growing process and the general environment for all.
KeywordsCurator, exhibition, idea, project, biennale, festival, performance, installation, video art, space and time, Asian art.
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3) Kamola Oqilova. German fine and photographic art in Uzbekistan. -Art. Issue 2013.1.P. 20-24; 22-24;22.
4) Ibragim Abdurahmonov(2018). Reflection of Written Dastans in Maveraunnahr Miniature (XIV-XVII Centuries) //International journal of research. With Impact Factor 5.60. Dectmber. 2018. P.425-432.
5) Ibrahim Abdurahmonov. Painter of Folk Poems. -//Art ,2018. №2. P.31-35.
6) Ibrohim Rahimovich Abdurahmonov(2020). Concept of mythology represented in fine arts of Uzbekistan.- //Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research. Impact Factor: SJif 2020=6.882. Vol.9, Issue 10, October 2020. P.143-147.
7) Ibrokhim Abdurakhmanov, (2019) “Specific peculiarities and value of legendary themes in the practical apply art,” Culture and Arts of Central Asia: Vol. 10: No. 1, Article 12. Available at:
8) Abdurahmanov I. The evolution of mythological themes in the art of Uzbekistan. Academic research in educational sciences. 2021/3.2 (3). P.500-508.
9) Ibrahim Abdurahmonov. Interpretation of mythological themes in Sughd art of V-VIII centuries .- // Bulletin of the National Institute of Art and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod. Тashkent; 2021. №2. P.23-30.
10) Ibrohim Rahimovich Abdurahmonov (2021). He Interpretation Оf Images Оn Dualism, Totemism, Animism Аnd Fetishism. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations (ISSN-2689-100X). Impact Factor. 2021.5.857.P.75-81.
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