• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840


The Scale of Archaic Words in the Lexicon of Alisher Navoi’s Historical Works
Dr. Dilnoza Akramovna Abduvaliyeva
Lecturer, Department of Methods of Teaching the Uzbek Language Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute named after A. Qodiriy
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i1-08

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The contribution of the great poet Alisher Navoi to the development, improvement and progress of the ancient Uzbek literary language is incomparable. The Turkish language has acquired a high status thanks to his works. The lexicon used in the work of the thinker, to some extent, serves as the basis for determining the lexicon of the Old Uzbek literary language. Historical works of the author, such as “Tarihi Muluki Ajam” and “Tarihi Anbiyo va Hukamo”, were selected as the object of research. The article analyzes archaic words in the vocabulary of the mentioned historical works. Archaic words in the vocabulary of historical works are taken not for a time, but for the period in which the works were created (XV century). Archaisms in the lexicon of historical works are determined on the basis of the state and development of lexical units in synonymous relations, and this is scientifically substantiated.


Lexicology, lexeme, obsolete words, antiquity paint, archaism, archaism lexeme, archaism semema, ancient Turkic language, old Turkic language, old Uzbek literary language.


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2) Navoi College, Istanbul, Suleymaniye Library, Fotix Foundation, № Electronic microfilm of 4050 inverter digital manuscript, Book “Tarihi Anbiyo”–p. 705a-728b.

3) Dadaboev H., Hamidov Z., Kholmanova Z. History of lexicon of Uzbek literary language. Fan. Tashkent: 2007. –p. 28.

4) Annotated Dictionary of the Language of Alisher Navoi’s Works, Volume II. - Tashkent: Fan, 1983. –p.108

5) Ancient Türkic dictionary. L .: Nauka, 1969. –p. 166.

6) Egamova Sh. D. Ancient Turkic lexical units in the language of Alisher Navoi’s works. Science and technology. Tashkent: 2010. –p. 24.

7) Annotated dictionary of the Uzbek language. 5 volumes. Tashkent: National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan. Volume 4, 2008. –p. 527.

8) Annotated Dictionary of the Language of Alisher Navoi’s Works, Volume III. Tashkent: Fan, 1984. –p.180


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